Polite Notice

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By default, I try to be polite: I think generally it’s the right thing to do, plus it’s a helpful way of developing virtue & maximising the good (two of my underlying ethical goals, with the former a heuristic for the latter). There’s a convincing feminist critique of conventional politeness – essentially, it argues that emphasising etiquette and conformity is a barely-disguised attempt to reinforce existing status hierarchies and power imbalances – but the meek, rule-following courtesy they object to is not the kind of politeness I'm interested in.

What I care about is being excellent towards other people, and that requires paying attention to how my actions affect them. A lot of the time, that means the advice from guides like Debrett’s is largely irrelevant to me being polite, but if (for instance) I were sat with somebody who was horribly offended by bad table manners, then I’d pay more attention to which hand I was using to hold my fork. I’d describe someone as polite if they notice or model what other people care about and adjust their behaviour in cheap (though not costless) ways to better accommodate those preferences. It is one’s attentiveness and responsiveness to others which matters here, not their adherence to a contingent set of social mores. Saying difficult things isn’t incompatible with being polite: in the vector space of all communication, the direction for kindness & courtesy is almost orthogonal to the direction for criticism, because the tone a message is delivered in can vary regardless of its content. Equally, an attempt to be polite based solely on how we teach it to children (hold open doors, say “please” and “thank you”, raise your hand to speak) will likely fail in the much more complicated real world, exactly as naive rule utilitarianism does. To be polite is to exercise mental & emotional effort identifying small steps you can take which will be good for others.

(As a prompt for further reflection on what exactly makes being polite something worth striving towards, I highly recommend the entry for courtesy in David Groom’s series of “Notes on Virtues”.)

The rest of this post is just a list of gestures which I think are fairly easy to do yet not everyone (myself included) performs. Sometimes there’s a good reason to not be polite, but I optimistically think that much impoliteness is due to a lack of thinking rather than active rudeness (e.g., it hadn’t occurred to me to watch out for people who’re physically cut out of a conversation until I was the person being blocked out and felt upset about it).

If you think I’ve been impolite or otherwise unvirtuous, let me know. It’d be a discourtesy not to!

“Thank you!”

One of the most basic, but the fact that it’s often expected means that its omission is noticeable. (I think this presumption of people saying “please” and “thank you” is an OK state for us to be in as a society, because it’s very cheap, and possibly makes people think about others a bit more compared to the world where nobody said such things and nobody expected it.) Some examples where I’ve found it to be lacking:

Filling people in

Being proactive

Communicating online

Again, politeness here is about having respect for other people’s needs and time, within the bounds of your own constraints.

Widening the circle

  1. Alexey Guzey lists people not doing this as one of his (two) pet peeves which was part of the inspiration for this post. I’d find it super interesting and useful to read things which annoy other people, especially when they don’t bother me at all and so I’ve never thought about. As an example, someone I know used to not include my name at the start of emails, and instead opened with a plain “Hi!” or “Hey,”. This irked me slightly but I never got around to mentioning it. Later, I noticed that he’d switched to using names in email salutations. When I was perusing his anonymous feedback doc, I saw that someone else had told him they found it odd too, and as a result he’d changed how he communicated with everyone. This sort of social technology is very valuable and I’d like to make it more widespread, hence this post. ↩︎

  2. I don’t remember where I first read this; possibly on Succeed Socially, which is a site that sounds (and sort of looks) like it’s filled with vacuous platitudes and clickbait-y marketing but is actually, in my opinion at least, very good. ↩︎