Other guides
- An EA’s guide to the Bay Area (note, it’s a bit out of date – e.g. Lightcone no longer has an office. But the “Useful Links” are still largely working.)
- Landing Club Guide (annoyingly they have put it behind an application wall…)
- A collection of rationality things in the Bay
- Taco Tuesdays were fun
- Sequences Reading Group interesting too
- EA / rationalist / AI safety spaces in Berkeley
- Other recommendations for Berkeley (from Abiniyah, Ananya and William)
- east asian library
- Mind (matcha)
- North Reading room
- Morrison (no laptops)
- Ask around for a guest pass to Founders Inc, right at the top of SF
- In SF, privately owned public spaces
A lot of group houses don’t have an online presence, so message me if you’re looking for somewhere to stay and I might be able to connect you with others not listed below.
- EA Housing FB group
- I posted there and nothing came of it but apparently some people have found it useful
- DirectorySF has lots of listings, message Neall Seth about it
- they were kinda expensive when I looked last
- also it might be shutting down? Not sure, but the Solaris office space it’s affiliated with is definitely closing
- This spreadsheet
- Arcadia
- One of The Residency houses might have guest rooms
- e.g. sf2
- Others in SF
- Trader Joe’s is the cheapest place in Berkeley for groceries that you can reasonably get to by foot, but I learned at the end of my stay that it’s better to just use Instacart & get things delivered from Walmart
- Michelle Fang posts about lots of events each week; in general look on lu.ma for public ones
- Recommended by others1 and not tried by me
- https://substack.com/@bayareafoundersclub
- The Commons
- Otherlab
- Madsci
- Stochastic Labs
- Talks put on by Long Now (usually at The Interval)
- The Interval is very cool just to visit (it’s right by Founders Inc office)
- Noisebridge
- BioPunk Society just opened and is putting on a bunch of events
- SciSchmooze puts out a surprisingly comprehensive list of upcoming local science talks and meetups
- Cerebral Valley
- Restaurant | The Alley Piano Bar & Restaurant | Oakland (thealleyoakland.com)
- Albany Bulb for the artwork
- Alembic Events – The Alembic (berkeleyalembic.org) and their circling / “relatefulness” events
- Chris Lakin’s events
- South Park Commons
including Ronny; Gavin; Pablo Cobo Pérez & James Gray via EV ↩︎